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就像我說的~ HBL開打了!!!

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就像我說的~ HBL開打了!!!

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看了一下~ 除了world geography沒有分數以外其他科都有

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看了一下~ 除了world geography沒有分數以外其他科都有

greenhell 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

It’s eight o’clock in the Sunday morning. Sunday, it should be a beautiful day, a lazy day, and a good day for story-telling and meet some new people. I should move on to the next little dot on my map. But now, I have to go to the baseball field. It’s located just in front of my shelter, because I need to coach my little boys and get the little league championship ring. But, I don’t want to move my butt there and sit on the cold bench. Can you imagine that? A wizard, wise and powerful wizard, coaches a little league baseball team!
First time they asked me to be the coach of the team just because I used my power to trick them. They were on the field got beaten up badly by their opponent. It was 0-8. My sympathy in my nature could not stand it, so I used my power, just a little bit, to help them. A kid on the practice area saw it, he asked me to coach them and help them to win the championship. “Our last championship was 88 years ago!” He said. Man, I don’t understand the strategies of baseball at all. I enjoyed watching baseball but not as joyful as telling stories. You know, I am a wizard. I should travel around and study and solve people’s problems. “So solve our problem, then.” They said. This was a non-sense reason to persuade me. But again, my good nature made my head nodded itself. I am Gandolf the Wizard, helping people is part of my work. I promised them that I’ll just coach for a season.

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It’s eight o’clock in the Sunday morning. Sunday, it should be a beautiful day, a lazy day, and a good day for story-telling and meet some new people. I should move on to the next little dot on my map. But now, I have to go to the baseball field. It’s located just in front of my shelter, because I need to coach my little boys and get the little league championship ring. But, I don’t want to move my butt there and sit on the cold bench. Can you imagine that? A wizard, wise and powerful wizard, coaches a little league baseball team!
First time they asked me to be the coach of the team just because I used my power to trick them. They were on the field got beaten up badly by their opponent. It was 0-8. My sympathy in my nature could not stand it, so I used my power, just a little bit, to help them. A kid on the practice area saw it, he asked me to coach them and help them to win the championship. “Our last championship was 88 years ago!” He said. Man, I don’t understand the strategies of baseball at all. I enjoyed watching baseball but not as joyful as telling stories. You know, I am a wizard. I should travel around and study and solve people’s problems. “So solve our problem, then.” They said. This was a non-sense reason to persuade me. But again, my good nature made my head nodded itself. I am Gandolf the Wizard, helping people is part of my work. I promised them that I’ll just coach for a season.

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