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其實GR(Anderson的first name XD)出八百字的時候我就覺得不妙



又不是hard news









G.R.: News is People。


One Friday afternoon around 4:30 p.m., the Sally's Saloon and Eatery restaurant on Washington Avenue on University of Minnesota campus was quiet.


But a small door on the side of Sally’s opened to a different atmosphere. Colorful graffiti was on the pitch black walls on two sides and the steep black stairs between the walls lead to the bright Steady Tattoo on the second floor. Rock music and busy mechanical noises created its own symphony in the shop.


Joshua Joseph Cerny, a tattoo artist and also the owner of the shop, was in his signature outfit--- a plaid shirt and a pair of jeans with a beret hat---and getting ready to tattoo his client John Schnedler.


Cerny sat on the right side of Schnedler, 26, in his station and wearing blue Nitrile gloves on his hands. He put the tattoo needles into the tattoo tube. His right foot was on the paddle of the tattoo machine to control the amount of power. He dipped the needles into the ink. Then, he started tattooing on Schnedler’s right wrist. Once the needles were bouncing on Schnedler’s skin, Cerny’s blue eyes behind his plastic brown Giorgio Armani glasses focused on the outline. Less than half an hour, the tattoo was done.


Doing tattoo, everyday is different, Cerny said. “I love the gravitation by giving people something that they loved to stay with them for the rest of their lives.” 


The full-beard 31-year-old tattoo artist started his deep relation with tattoo when he got his first tattoo in Mich., where he was raised, at age18. He brought his drawing of a graceful falling angel with flaming hair to a tattoo artist and had it done on his upper right arm. But the tattoo was not good, so he went to another shop to redo it. The tattoo artist at the shop liked Cerny’s drawing and asked him to be an apprentice.


“I wasn’t sure at first. But the more we talked about it, the more I excited about,” he said.


People surround Cerny say he is definitely talented. In fact, he started showing his artistic talent at young age.


Cerny’s mother Rose Cerny said Cerny’s preschool teacher showed her a drawing of flowers that Cerny did in class. Rose said it was an exceptional drawing for children’s level.


“He sees the world differently. He sees the details while we see the big picture,” Rose, 60, said.


Cerny started his apprenticeship in senior year of high school. Then he studied commercial art and graphic design at Lansing Community College, but dropped out after about a year to pursuit tattoo.


“I knew it was the career I wanted so I didn’t need to go to school for other career,” Cerny said.


His parents were not surprised for his decision.


“He had been talking for a while,” Rose said. “We knew that was gonna happen.”


Despite Rose and her husband knew Cerny would choose to be a tattoo artist, they still didn’t like Cerny’s decision. It took them a while to accept it. They believed Cerny could make very good living in any art field if he wanted.


“We just wanted him to have different approach,” Rose said.


Cerny stuck to what he wanted. After leaving the school, he worked at a concrete factory making concrete pipes and wire cages 11 hours during the day to earn money and apprenticed six hours at night, because apprenticeship was not paid.


“It was awful. It was not fun at all, he said.


He stayed at the shop for two years then he went to Detroit to work with other artists. Three years later, he followed an artist and moved to Cactus Tattoo at Mankato, Minn., where he spent another three years. When one piercer he worked with at Mankato asked him for guest spot at Steady Tattoo six years ago, he decided to settle at Steady Tattoo because he liked the people who worked there. Last year, he bought the shop.


It’s a good business investment and possibly making money through out the rest of my life,” Cerny said. “I am not planning on going anywhere now.”


In his station, insect specimens and artworks hung on the walls. Sci-fi figures and toy robots stood on small wooden selves that he made with spare time. There were small plants on the windowsill and an artificial tree next to the window.


“I always say this is a jungle,” Amanda Jo Peterson, the receptionist, said.


Peterson said Cerny’s art style is defined. “He’s into filigree, curly style. His tattoo is organic, flows with the body. Not square,” she said.


Another receptionist Jamie Otto, 21, said Cerny is a super talented person who always blown her away with his drawings and he’s a nice, hardworking guy.


“He improved this place a lot since he bought it. He works hard to make here more comfortable,” Otto said.


Rose said she thought the working environment is important. And she likes Cerny’s shop.


“He provides a good place for people to work and a clean environment for customers,” she said. “I’m very proud of what he does.”





後來訪問接待員才知道他剛好是老闆,去年才買下這間店 @@


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